Why am I still bleeding down there?

Well i just lost my virgnity about month ago and for me it wasnt painfull at all. i thought oh i must have popped it with a tampon or something, but i have never felt any pain before. But lately i have been bleeding from my vagina alot but i dont have any pain. Everything feels the same up there as it did before i had sex. The blood isnt heavy or like my period, i just want some help to know whats going on. Im a bit embarassed doing this becuase i usually dont share this kind of stuff, but if anyone can help thanks!

Answer #1

I would ask a doctor because I dont think they can give out the information if you had sex or not to your parents. but im not for sure. In alaska you can make an appt, & ask the doctor & they wont tell. Its better if you asked someone who is an adult or doctor that you can trust.

Answer #2

you sure you dont have your period early? id tell your mom,or a trusted adult//doctor if this keeps happening.

Answer #3

all it is is your vigina iritated from the s*x…well is it dureing or after??? it oculd also be spoting…

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