Pokemon:babyish or not

Do you still like pokemon or do you find them a little babyish

Answer #1

Pokemon is NOT just for babies/kids. I am 20 years old and I still love to play Pokemon. Although, having Asperger’s Syndrome (they call it an autistic spectrum disorder, but it doe NOT mean I’m thick) might have something to do with it. A lot of people who have Asperger’s Syndrome like Pokemon, but I am unsure why. Think about this: there are adults all over the world who enjoy all sorts of sweets that also kids enjoy. But it doesn’t make us babyish if we have a strawberry flavoured lolly or cola flavoured laces, does it?

Answer #2

way babyish and weird

Answer #3

omg! just as I clicked to read you question, my brother (he’s in the room with me), turned the channel and pokemon was on! omg…

 anyway, it is in no way babyish! I love that show, lol. I have one of the games and I used to collect the cards, lol. I'm not a poke-nerd, lol, I just like the show. they are so cute, lol. 
 whoever says pokemon is babyish is babyish cause they cant grow up enough to respect the fact that different people have different tastes and shows dont always for to have violence, drugs and sex to be cool, grown up, or socially acceptable.

good luck watching, lol. I LOVE THEM!!! <3 THEM!!!

Answer #4

The games are cool, cant get enough! But I dont care for the anime much anymore…

Answer #5

ha, I love pokemon. :] not baby-ish at all.

Answer #6

I luv pokemon. lol I have all the games…lol! :)

Answer #7

I love pokemon, I can still name the originol 150! ok, maybe I am a little sad lol

Answer #8

I was not myself suggesting that pokemon are babyish! I love the 2

Answer #9

I love Pokemon =] not babyish at all <3

Answer #10

nothing is babyish just do what you want exept peeing in bed and having your diaper changed

Answer #11

ahh I still love them and still play them on gameboy!

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