After having anal sex with my boyfriend I noticd I had a small lump

Hello my name is andrea and well after having anal sex with my boyfriend I noticd I had a small lump or bump like a small ball of skin stickin out of my butt hole I was wonderin if that was normal or do I have sumthing wrong its been 4 almost 5 days and it still hasnt gone away and when I go to the bathroom I feel it plzz help me??!! It always happens to me wheneva I have anal sex with my boyfriend…it stickz out my butt hole sumtimes and than sumtimes like sticks back in but after couple of dayz have passd!! Im really freakin out bout thiz because I dont know if its normal or not so dats why I want some answers to help mi out and im afraid to tell my parents bout it because they might freak out 2!!!

Answer #1

If it’s red in colour and is coming from the inside of your anus, then it’s probably a rectal prolapse. I think the only way to fix it is through surgery.

And thats why people shouldn’t have anal sex :)

Answer #2

Maybe hold off on the anal sex for a while? It could be the bump is too irritated and needs time to heal. Since it has been so long, I would really encourage you to talk to your parents. I think they’d rather know you’re hurting and scared, and if it’s serious, it does need to get checked out properly.

Answer #3

hon, just tell your folks you think you have a hemorrhoid problem. you’ve strained and caused this by doing what you did. commonly they occur during pregnancy or even with men too when they strain during bowel movements. sometimes they shrink on their own. at other times a doctors advice should be sought. if you continue doing what you seem to be doing on a regular basis, you should expect a recurrence of the same one maybe more of them at once. in the meantime try taking an Epsom salts bath (soak) and try a product recommended by the pharmacist (like Preparation H) it helps shrink them and relieves the pain. personally, I’d find a different way to express my affection if I were in your shoes.

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