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Period will fall on a pool party
right, I started my period a while ago and I was invited to my friends party and sleepover. I already cant go to her sleepover because of RIAT, but now im worried because my biological clock states that my next period will be on her party, and it makes me feel uncomfortable because its a pool/trampoline party. what do I do?
I agree with the tampon Idea. They’re convenient because you can just flush them in the toilet after you remove them - also why would you be uncomfortable? I mean she’s a girl too.
if you want to go swiiming in the pool and do happen to get your period wear a tampo pads will just soak up all the water and wont help at all with absorbing your flow if you havent used them before start out with a a small or super small one but if you have a heavyier flow youll need a regular or larger one read the instruction on the pack carefully and perhaps get somme sooner so you can practice and find one that feels comfortable also remember youll need to change it every 3-4 hours
Yooh could also go on the pill and skip yoor period till yooh are ready to have it but yooh must have yoor period once a month…
use tampons when you get in the pool. use regular cause super or bigger you’s going to hurt.
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