How to tell my parents that I can see ghosts?

I dont no how to say this but I need help to tell my parents that I can see ghosts. I fuggured it out when I was littel like 4 cause I saw a tall dark figgure in my parents room then 3 at school(its haunted)then 1 in my room on the roof then 5 orbs floating in my kitchen and all of my friends know but its harder to tell my parents so if you can see them too can you tell me?

Answer #1

I can see ghosts-and I’m serious. Usually its not something I talk about because it just sounds so stupid.. but my parents know. But its different for me, cus my mom could see ghosts when she was little, and she told HER parents, and they actually thought she was insane so she didn’t go to school for a year because they were worried about her. (But back in the days when she was young it was a whole different thing, ofcourse. Now its kinda normal.)

Anyway, I think you should just tell them. Sit down and tell them that since you were little, you’ve been seeing things and you’re not sure what it is. Tell them you maybe think they are ghosts, but yuou were too scared to talk about it cus you think your parents are going to think you’re weird, or stuff. But assure them that it looks real to you.

Hope that helps (a little bit) !

Answer #2

I’m thinking if you can take a picture of what you are seeing and then show your parents these photos, they would have to believe you. I have seen pics of orbs on TV. Good luck to you. You never know, it could run in the family.

Answer #3

I can’t see them but that is amazing that you can. I’m not being sarcastic or sceptic when I say that, I totally beleive you. I’ve heard that it can be a HUGE all I can say is try and make the best of it. Well actually I shouldn’t being giving advice on this because I really don’t know what I’m talking about lol. But I think It’s really fascinating!!

Answer #4

I can’t see them but that is amazing that you can. I’m not being sarcastic or sceptic when I say that, I totally beleive you. I’ve heard that it can be a HUGE all I can say is try and make the best of it. Well actually I shouldn’t being giving advice on this because I really don’t know what I’m talking about lol. But I think It’s really fascinating!!

Answer #5

I want to comment on nicolexbabyy’s comment I can see ghosts and anyone who can see ghosts is not stupid in fact we have a gift so dont think your stupid or crazy be happy that you have a gift

Answer #6

hahahahhahahah your stupid. you can’t see ghosts you lier! hahahah

Answer #7

You know I can see Ghosts too and my friend Eva too.Were both Psychics.But she’s stronger than me and I’m still developing my abiltites.I learned I could see Ghosts since age 7.The only person I’ve’e told is my mom and brother and they believe me.

Answer #8

my daughter can see ghost,aged 9-16.very depressed over it.see s them all the time..,old man with a young girl,and a dog..I tried not to talk to her about it hoping it will stop,the time going on ,it got worse,much worse..she is now seeking help.she pees her self when she is scared.I want to help her,I dont know how to.will she get better? she worries me when running away from them,with no road sence,when she is shes moving after school with her boyfriend. we go out swimming ,day trips all the time… when she first told me,I thought she was joking,she wasnt.on going today.

Answer #9


Answer #10

You can see ghosts? Yeah right.

Answer #11

I know how you feel. I have been able to see ghosts and my 2 best friends can also. there is only one non seer(for lack of a better description) who belives us. this is, I think, because she has a very scientific mind and knows a lot about this kind of stuff. I say just tell them. I’m only 13 so I cant tell mine yet, im going to wait until I move out of the house. :) becuase my parents would belive me and most likely would send me to therapy. but my parents arent usual. so I say just tell them…one of the girls whom can also see them, we are so close and so alike, we are basically twins. so give it your best shot. good luck! ps. at least you dont have one in your bedroom (appiration) who happens to be cough hot :D hope I helped

Answer #12

It is a tough to live with abilities others do not understand. You feel lonely and sad cause just like some of these comments, people are skeptic and make fun of you. But if you stay true to yourself and trust you insticts, eventually it will all make sense. All my life I had tried to ignore it, becuase people would call me crazy or stupid. This got me into a lot of psychological trouble, I became more depressed. It only got better until I accpeted me, exactly who I am with abilities and all. Don’t listen to those negative comments no matter how much you prove them, they won’t believe until they experience something. I believe everyone has the ability if only they open their mind to the experience. For some its too late and they are the ones that will bother you the most.

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