pleasse Help me get a job =]

how does a 15 year old get a job?

Answer #1

well I know a lot from my bro but ushually start off slow and go for tim hortons or micdonalds send in resimays for a whole bunch of places and soon or later ull get one or try a movie store.

Hope this helps. :)

Answer #2

All you can do is ask around. See what places are hiring new employees. Also, if there is a certain place where you would like to work, go in and fill out an application. Even if they aren’t hiring now, they will keep your application just in case they need someone. And don’t think 15 is too young. I got my job at 15. Especially if you’re almost sixteen, it shouldn’t matter at some places.

Answer #3

The legal age to start working is when you’re 14. You can find a job anywhere :) Just search resume templates on google & yeah you will learn how to write a resume. Um another thing they check for is your school attendance. Some places would call your school to check your attendance. If you can’t show up for school, than you wouldn’t show up for work. Just like if you can’t respect your mother, you wouldn’t respect your girlfriend.

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