please help me!! (pregnancy crisis!)

okay I just want to start off by sayin this is no joke so I do really need help on this! because I know lil 12 and 13 year olds who write on to this pretending there pregnant and shit but this is deadly serious so please leave me some advice!!! (thanks xxx) okay so here goes im really really freaked! me and my boyfriend had sex a month ago(the condom split! we didnt realise this untill afterwards!) and I was 6 weeks late my period untill I took a pregnancy test and when it came out positive I cried I mean im way to young to have a baby im only 17! now I did take another test and it to came out positve aswell so dya think I should go to the doctors? you see im way too scared to! my boyfreind wants me to wear real baggy clothes untill he gets enough money together to pay for an abortion but I honestly dont think thats right? I dont know what to do and im scared because I know il b kicked out if I am 100 percent sure im pregnant!my mom and dad are really really strict!!! please help me!

Answer #1

well melisa if your pregnant I would go and see a doctor straight away as its important that if you do not want to keep the baby that the doctor can spped things up for you. Do not wait as a babay gets bigger and grows inside you as a mother my self you will find it harder to have an aboration. I would tell your parents at least your mum then could be there to help you. Hope everthing goes okay for you. linda

Answer #2

if you have a plan parenthood around, they give you tons of free clothes, diapers, baby furniture and other stuff that you may need. They also give you free pregnancy tests. Get tested and if it’s positive then tell your mother and father and boyfriend at the same time. don’t be ashamed, being pregnant is the gift of life. i got pregnant when i was 13 and the father was 15. Now im 16 and he’s almost 18 and it’s hard to keep a child but would you rather abort? First find out how far along you are. If you are about 5 months and down, you can abort, but it gets you worse emotionally. If you go through you may have complications. I had my daughter 2 and a 1/2 months early b/c i am so small and my body couldnt hold her any longer. as for the boyfriend, i wouldn’t be sure if he would stick around. #1 how old is he #2 does he work #3 do you both plan on staying togther—anyway the only problems i have is that im 16 and don’t feel like a teenager at all. i don’t really fit in and i hate that BUT when everyone’s having kids later on, ill be in the bars lol. seriousely talk to your parents. they will be shocked but if they love you, they will get you through this. if you decide to keep the baby. i would suggest finding a WIC near you for free fruits, veggies, juices, cereal, milk etc.. they give the checks for you and your baby for free for stuff like that. also find like a thrift store like the salvation army and buy cheap baby stuff that you need. in the first 3 months, you may puke a lot, the 2nd trimester, you may be happy and the last trimester, you cant wait for it to arrive!! you glow and your skin actually gets enhanced and everyone loves t see a pregnant mom. once you find out you are, get scheduled for a gynacoligical exam and at about 3-5 months, you can find out the sex of the baby!! talk to me if ya need anyting else.and if you get an abortion past 3 months, they put a tube inside of your vagina and drill a hole into the childs head and suck out their brains. and yes they feel pain!!! when you abort them, you actually see the child after it’s out of you and it’s terrible b/c that could’ve been your child graduating from preschool. don’t hurt the child b/c it was a mistake. everything happens for a reason. i asked god if i could have a best friend b/c i was so lonely and then i got pregnant. by accident of course..

Answer #3

Yeah calm down,and plus do not get an abortion,I think abortions are dead wrong.its practiclly killing a baby thast just born.go to a good doctor,and take your boyfriend and a close friend with you.And be calm with your parents,very very calm if they’re strict.

Answer #4

You should go to a doctor right away… whether you have the money or not. That can be straighten out down the road. (Go sign up for some credit cards!)

If you plan on keeping the baby then you need to start prenatal care.

If you plan on ending the pregnancy I think you need to do so as soon as possible so that you have less risk of complications. There are crisis centers almost everywhere. Get out the phone book and find a family planning clinic of pregnancy crisis hotline. (Just make sure it isn’t like “St John’s Crisis center or something. The religious affiliated centers will only help you if you are keeping the baby)

Some clinics will then set you up with a birth control plan to prevent future pregnancy and accidents. Just so you know, if you ever have an “accident” there is the morning after pill. Which stops the plantation of a furtilized egg if taken within 3 days(the sooner the better!) of the “accident”.

Try these websites, they will help.

Answer #5

ok, calm down! i agree, get to a doctor, take a friend (girl) once you find out for sure then take on thing step by step. DO NOT have an abortion (thats a life inside you) first thing your gonna have to do tell your parents, if they freakout make plans to stay with a friend if it gets to bad…they will or should calm down after the shook. then get prenatel care. you do what you want to do! dont listen to anyone but your heart…you will know inside you…good luck and remember your not alone…this happens all the time….

Answer #6

hey to holllaaabooolllaaa get a f**ing life ok yooh go and make out like this is a joke wen this girl is scared to death that shes preggie its not funny ok im 13 nearly 14 and only have 2 months until ma baby girl is born and i cant WAIT!!! and to the girl that wrote this dont let anyone push yooh in to anything my parents tryed to make meh get an abortion but i said no and that its my body my baby and that if they made me do it that they will be making meh kill there own gran child and follow ur heart kk

take care love ya

love Emma and BIG baby bump

Answer #7

ok, calm down! i agree, get to a doctor, take a friend (girl) once you find out for sure then take on thing step by step. DO NOT have an abortion (thats a life inside you) first thing your gonna have to do tell your parents, if they freakout make plans to stay with a friend if it gets to bad…they will or should calm down after the shook. then get prenatel care. you do what you want to do! dont listen to anyone but your heart…you will know inside you…good luck and remember your not alone…this happens all the time….

Answer #8

I’m trying to get pregnant. And my family was telling me to take a prenatal care pill and would it me to be more fertile.

Answer #9

yeah im 18 years it happin to me i was late buti went to the doctor asap he took the blood test turned out i waent pregnant so i also agree with the other lady (sorry forgot your name) but yeah post an update so we know what happen

Answer #10

god honey you poor thing i honestly think you should get your self to a doctor and dont be scared bring a really close girlfriend along with you and it wont be as nerve racking! and your right dont let him talk you in to havin an abortion i know every one has there different views on that subject but i dont agree with it! just see if your pregnant first i know a freind that took 3 home tests and they all came out positve and then when she went to the doctors he confirmed she wasnt! good luck sweetheart and let me know how you get on xxx

Answer #11

hey huny you wanna get your self checked out and soon! i dont mean to scare ya kid but its more than likely your pregnant! it happened to my sister when she was 17 shes now 20 and shes doing fine but still go to the doctors you cant not go! and i also agree with jools95 on the abortion issue if you dont wanna have one dont listen to your boy freind its up to you what you wanna do! hope i helped! xxxx

Answer #12

omg i feel sooo sorry for ya hunni

Answer #13

im 3 months pregnant. I was not sopposed to have kids doctors said, a lot of females in my family can have kids. now im pregnant so I told my mom she freaked out took me to an abortion clinic. I spent 4 hours there then when it was my turn I walked out. I couldnt do it. my boyfriend of 5 years said he was leaving me!! I was so scared and felt so helpless… I was 8 weeks at the time. now everyone is so supportive and happy for me my mom got over it & is happy my boyfriend is so happy I didnt go thro with the abortion im only 19 so I know were your coming from. I have always been agiant abortions but if that what you wanna do then do it. but there is no turing back. good luck to you. either way it WILL work out.

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