Please help me

I have this male friend we dont acually go together at this point in time. He told me that he have a hard time trusting females because of his past so he said I have to prove myself 2 him. My problem is he ask me questions that I have hard time answering and I dont want him to think that I dont answer them because Im not intrested or whatever the case may be. He asked me What do I see in him? What do I look for in Love and Why do I like him? I dont know what my problem his but when he ask me things like that I freez up because I dont be knowing the right words to say or even what do sayin that matter! I don’t know how to answer questions like that so can someone please help me Even if its just qivin me a few examples of things I can say. Im just scared by not saying things or if I say the wrong things it might not work out like I want it too. Dimples18

Answer #1

Hi Girl, when healthy boys and girls are together the most important thing is to spend a nice, chearful, funny, laughing, etc. time. This boy you described could tell you that how he likes your eyes, smile, face, moving, maybe legs, etc. Instead, HE asks you what YOU like on/in him :) I just tell you that you should be quite caraful with such a boy. He is looking for something else, but not young and nice and chirpy girls, as you may be.

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