please help! im about to cut off all my hair

I have really curly hair, and when I was little my mom gave me bangs for stly, long story short, I have been straightening my bangs for years and putting it to the side of my face. everytime they get thin, I just pull sum hair from the back and cut it to the same lengths and the rest of my bangs. Now my hair is so damaged that everyone is telling me to cut it all off!!! I’ve tried everything, but I dont make that much money to buy all these expensive things. I’ve tried not straighting it every day but im on the swim team. so I just try not to straighten it till the next day.

not only that!!! but I have super curly hair…I have no idea what to do with it. the only time I’ve ever cut it was to even out the ends from time to time. I always have it in a pony tail. and when its curly its down to the bottem of my shoulder blades, but when I straighten it its down to the crack of my butt. I have no style for it, and when I do try sumthing its either not for me, looks horrble, or is just too time consuming or expensive!…im not looking for perfect hair, just something that would make my hair look healthy, looks ok, and is quick…it sounds like its too much

Answer #1

Really now, you probably wouldn’t expect this coming from me, but don’t cut yer hair off.

The problem with your hair may be the water in the pool. Find a shampoo that is made especially for swimmers. My wife and I used to have some, but I don’t remember who made it. Might have been Ausiie.

Until you can get special shampoo, don’t use shampoo every day. Shampoo every day isn’t necessary. Just use conditioner, and when you rinse, use cool water. Conditioner is like wax, when it is hot it is more fluid, and when it is cold it is more solid. And don’t try to rinse thouroughly. Only do that when you use shampoo. For conditioner to work you want it to stay on your hair, not go down the drain. You just rinse a bit, then run your fingers through your hair to see how much comes off in your hand. If your hand is slimy with conditioner rinse again. When you can just barely see the conditioner on your hand the job is done. I use Dove Shampoo and Dove Contioner with extra volume. Done use super cheap stuff like Suave, and don’t use a shampoo/conditioner. A shampoo cannot be a conditioner.

Answer #2

thanks, but the thing is, since theres no style to my hair, when I put it down it just looks like a mess, and gel doesnt always hold.dont get me wrong im not looking for unbelieveabley striaght hair,just a new stlye…>.< and something to help me out with my bangs! to bring it back to life! but thanks for your advice!!!

Answer #3

see a hairdresser, toaday, but some guys like girls with curly hair, just put somthin on it to weigh it down and make it look shiny, mabey hair gel?

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