I have a big problem. my boyfriend just broke up with me! I’ll start from the begining….. last year I met the guy who I thought was my everything. he broke up with me last year within a week.( he only went out with me to get this other girl jealous. lets call her victoria) ok so we break up and then she was suppose to be my friend but she asks him out and he says yes. so I get all mad and sad and write her a note and then we got in a fight. well they finally broke up and then we were friends again. about 3 months afterwards (I still liked him all that time) I asked him out and he said yes. so we went out for about 5 months. during all these months we had our ups and downs. for the first three months things were great, then things went down. I heard from one of his friend he would go back out with victoria if she asked him out (this was when we were goin out) and I asked him if it was true and he said no so I didn’t really worry bout it that much. well a few days ago victoria (who was my friend again) told me he sent her a text message that said “hay what are you up to? nothin here. well you need to give me a call sometime. well ttyl. love ya -will.” so I got all upset and stuff. well he broke up with me the same day I found that out. I just asked him recently if he ever loved me when we were goin out. he replied yes. he also added that he always had a little bit of feelings for her deep inside. so thats where I am right now. I really want to get him back but I don’t know how to follow up on this. I need advice. please respond.

Answer #1

Ummmm….. it doesn’t seem like you are too old. Very cute pic though. You will have guys falling at your feet in a few years. If “Will” likes your friend then let that go. You don’t need someone like that who it seems you have built up feelings for without really seeing him for what he actually is.

Wait till college. In college you will meet tons of men, and also meet men that have career goals that can provide for you the best. But you really should decide how to make yourself happy first. When you empower yourself rather than try to live vicariously through this boy, he might see that he made a mistake by not taking you more serious. Men are attracted to women that ignore them for some reason and vice versa. Human nature is a strange thing. Then you should find someone else. Or better yet stay single for a while and don’t judge your life by your significant other.

You are young and you have a whole lot to look forward to. I know men (being one) and I know that we are all dirty dogs. It is more than highly likely that “Will” has used this love triangle as a bragging right to his friends. You may not believe it. Women never do, even at a later age. But is very very true. I used to do it myself until I met my wife. Now I just dread the power she has over me for my feelings and our tied up finances.

Good luck, and forget little willy. There really are millions of good guys out there to be found.

Answer #2

Dear Nicole, For what it’s worth to you, this happens all the time. If it helps, you are no way alone with this type of problem. As you work through it what is happening, is that you are maturing and growing emotionally. I really believe this is why we run in to these types of situation. Now what to do?? First of all what you are struggling with, is something that is totally out of your control. You can’t control your ex, you can’t control your girlfriend. When you realize this I believe it will help you within this situation and future similar situations that will come up. I know that it would be great to wave a magic wand and have everything go your way, but that is not how it happens. I will give you something to try and see if it helps you. Think for a moment about what your girlfriend and ex may be going through. (Put yourself in their shoes..not yours) Your girfriend may be trying not to like this boy because of you, but you know how strong an emotional connection can be….so she may really be struggling. Your ex could be very confused and when he sees your girlfriend his emotions tell him to ask her out. They are both trying to consider you but they either don’t really care about what you think, or they can’t help themselves. Either way you have no control over their actions and the only thing you have left is to give both of them the benefit of the doubt. If you can truly get this feeling inside you WITHOUT denial it will give peace within yourself. Once you fully understand their actions are out of your control, let your girlfriend and ex know there are no hard feelings anymore. Now for you!! You have no idea how you could have been holding yourself back from a different, way more fulfilling relationship with a different boy. Guys really watch as to what girls go out with who and all of that stuff. By you being single and letting go of who YOU think would be a good boyfriend for you (your ex) now you’re free and single…..enjoy it, use this time to love yourself, learn about who you are, and learn how to lookout for yourself. This is a great lesson that you have learned about “friends” try not and get into the frame of mind that friends will be there for you no matter what etc…. You take care of number one (you)!! You are growing up….You have so many wonderful relationships out there for you to enjoy!! Let yourself go, have fun!! Think outside the box in terms of relationships boyfriend and/or friends.I hope this helps!! Familycoach

Answer #3

Hun>if he really liked you, he would still be with you, and his heart would be with only you!! Why dont you wait until he can decide who he wants to be with. I wouldnt want to be with someone who has feelings for another girl! Why dont you let him ask YOU out. If he doesnt, then i wouldnt bother with him anymore.

Answer #4

dear nicole, well honestly i think he’s playing cat and mouse… he see’s what he does to you and your friend’s relationship and it amuses him…don’t let a guy come b/t you and your girl “bloods thicker then boys.” but just incase i’m wrong lets look at it from another point of view… he could just be confused so i think you should play really really hard to get and make sure ur the lone he wants and make it VERY CLEAR (u know how guys r lol!) to him that you would keep coming back to him and that this is his last chance b/c next time it’s o/v for good! well I hope it works out for u and your friend and the guy…well I g2g bye. -T.L.I.F.E (True Love Is For Ever!)

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