What sentence is he likely to receive?

I may be giving a little too much information but any help would be great. I have three cousins directly involved in this. One when he was anywhere from fourteen to eighteen sexually asualted two of my other cusions on multiple occations. Both of the girls were under eighteen at the time.

Durring this time the boy’s mother was suffering from cancer and he had to asume a lot of responceability. Also his father had left them for another woman and started a family with her. When the boy was eighteen his mother died and he was left to take care of his younger sister.

What he did just came out and he is now in jail awiating his trial date (he is currently age 20).

Here are my questions: What senance is he likely to recive, How do I be both supportive of him and my other cusions who were assualted, and Is there anything That would even be near helpfull to his younger sister who has lost her whole family to some respect.

Also is there anything that can make me feel better. I seems like my very close family is being ripped at it’s seams not only because of this but because of of both of my grandparents deaths this past year.

Answer #1

I think he can get anywhere from 15 to 25 it depends on the state.. also i understand he is family so u have to stay supportive but sexual assault isn’t soemthing to play with u know? hang out with his sister try going places, doing new things can keep both of ur minds off of it if ur in a new palce there arent old memories there take a small trip or meet some new friends it wont be easy bc some part of the situation may always be on ur mind but you shouldnt give up and sit around being depressed, nothing u do will be able to change the cousins sentence its all in the hands of court now so just keep your head up~Heather

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