Puffy, frizzy and uncontrollable hair, ideas?

I have really puffy, frizzy and uncontrollable hair…but I cant buy hair prod…any tips how to get my hair under control

Answer #1

my hair is thick and really long and curly it is so hard to control I need products but if your hair gets poofy when you brush it then only brush it when its wet and pick it out when its dry my hair will not straighten I tried for 2 hours strait and it still wouldnt

Answer #2

flat iron, or a more popular word for it is a straightener. Why can’t you buy products? Do they not work for your hair or is it a money issue?

Answer #3

If you can’t buy products, all you’ll need is a sink and a brush for this one! In order to get your hair under control, wet it, and style it to your likings. I don’t mean go take a shower, I mean dip your had under a fosset and then smooth your wet fingers through the untamed part of your hair. Then, soak your brush A LIKE BIT under water and comb through your hair. Then, if you want, put your hair back in a pony tail! If your hair is long, put on a headband and then sweep hair into a high pony, or if your hair is short, bobby pin sections back, or just use a stylish headband (go to Claire’s if you need one).

You’ll look up-to-date, and your hair will be controlable! =) Hope I helped

Answer #4

If you go to a salon or a hair proffesional they can tell you what you can do. (Or fix it)

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