Does he really love me?

My boyfriend tells me all the time he loves me but he doesnt show it. no kissing or touching hardly ever only if I bring it on or ask him why isnt he doing it then he will but with a big gasp like it is a chore. we have a connection in bed but that is it other wise it is just like he has no interest in me what so ever like he comes around but it is like I am not there he sits away or we sit in different rooms and we fight about everything all the time when we talk it is a fight I love him soo… much and dont want to loose him. what do I do to make him love me more like he use to? he use to do everything for me he would race to see me I was everything to him. I dont know what to do to feel better I feel like shit all the time because of this I am never happy but I want him please help me…!! I want to be happy but I want him to be their to help make me happy how do I change him???

Answer #1

if he really loves u, then make him fall more in love with he gurl he fell in love with

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