Please, any help will be greatly appriciated.

ok so im pregnant. how do I break it to my arse of an ex? Any help will be appriciated. Thanks

Answer #1

Well, you chose to sleep with someone you were no longer with, you should be able to tell him the results of that happening!

Answer #2

u just gota be straight forward with him thats what my ex did to me and I was shocked for a lil while but it quikly broke thru and I accepted it because there is nothing else you can do . unless he wants to be a dic* and say its not his then your gonna have to do a lil bit of talking just to get him to except it . dont take it personal if he denies it at first its only shock . how old are u ? and how old is he? jw. but yea thats about all I can say if you need more advice just funmail me and ill help you as much as I possibly can im on here pretty much every night .

k hope I helped .


Answer #3

look angelfire2708… we were still together when we slept together okay!!! k thanks.

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