Do you manage this site alone?

Do you manage all this alone.

Answer #1

Yes, without the advisors–and users–the site would be a fraction of what it is today.

Answer #2

A lot of people manage this site. I’m not even sure if it would be possible for one person to do everything. Editor and thedude are already constantly busy with a lot of things, even though a lot of other people help out.

Answer #3

…and, we have dozens of advisors who help out a TON, and at least a few dozen members who regularly give us heads up on issues, stuff that should be looked at, etc.

Not to mention, more than half of our 52K members have answered a question or two, which is what makes the site work :)

Answer #4

manage what?

Answer #5

Hi there,

This showed up in my email that you were asking me :) The answer: nope, I don’t manage this all alone. thedude, who is the co-owner and co-founder of FunAdvice, also manages the site quite a bit. esconsult1, the other part owner and co-founder, also helps manage, although more with programming stuff.

We are a small team, but I like to think we do well :) And every abuse or support request we receive is personally handled by one of us.

Hope that helps!

Dara (aka editor)

Answer #6

What are you asking? Please elaborate.

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