How to tell if he is a player or not?

I know that all guys want to have sex with girls they like but how can you tell if he actually likes you or just wanting strictly sex?

We have texted each other almost every day and hang out almost every week. He invited me over to hang out with him and his friends. He held my hand in front of his friends. I have only known him for a month he said he didn’t want to rush things but we did end up making when we were alone. He invited me over to his place for this coming up Friday. No one but us we will home. Not sure what to think.

Answer #1

He wants to have sex. Any time a guy invites you to his place when no one’s home, he’s crossing his fingers that he gets it in.

Answer #2

Exactly as Iffy says. He’s definitely hoping to get lucky, if not sex, then some sort of foreplay.

How you can tell for sure if he actually has feelings for you? Don’t give it to him. Not sex, not foreplay. Hold out for a few months or even longer. See if he still sticks around, see how much you get to know him and then you should be able to tell if he has genuine feelings. Of course, if within the time you say “no” to him, he keeps asking and pushing, well then you know he just wants sex. And then there are the guys who don’t mind waiting a while just to have sex even though they have zero feelings for you, that comes down to how well you know the guy. Don’t forget though, you’ve known him for a month. A month is absolutely meaningless in a relationship. You don’t know each other yet and most certainly not on a deeper level. Be smart. Don’t let yourself get used.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice