How can the place we are from influence our identities?

Answer #1

we tend to learn “local knowledge” from where we live, and what we know is a big part of who we are. Just as if you take a person from one part of the country (or world) and put them somewhere els they would be lost. If you take someone raised on the streets of NYC, and plant them in the hills of Tennessee they would not know how to survive, and the same if you did it the other way around. You also pick up local accents and attitudes that directly affect your personality. We may not be able to tell where someone is from, but we can tell if they just don’t fit in where they are.

Answer #2

the place we are from have different life style which can influence identities

Answer #3

if you come from a place that people there think cows can fly then you will think that cows are birds without wings and tell people that…

Answer #4

it is proved that the living place have many impacts over our personalities so this is true from my opinion

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