Piercing your belly button yourself

What hurts more, Piercings your belly button or your frownie(the thing that joins your bottom lip and gum together) my friend piierced that herself and she said it didnt hurt Help please!

Answer #1

Never pierce yourself. Never ever ever its stupid. Get it done professinaly.

Answer #2

Only a true idiot would even THINK about doing a piercing theirself.

Answer #3

Pain doesn’t matter, don’t EVER do ANY piercing yourself. It’s pure fcking stupid. That’s for the PROFESSIONAL piercers who actually know what they’re doing. Doing it yourself will only lead to problems like infections, the piercing not being done right, the piercing not healing right and everything else. Your best bet is to get it done RIGHT professionally*… I promise you won’t regret it.

Answer #4

Well, it probably depends upon your level of tolerance.. everyone feels pain at different levels. I would personally say that you should have a professional do it. Although, I find women without piercings to be more attractive.

Answer #5

Piercing your belly button yourself will never work. The reason being that you probly wouldn’t be able to find something big enough. many people stupidly pierce it with a pin. Once they try to fit the jewelry in it doesn’t fit. Bellybutton jewellery is larger than normal ear or nose jewellery for example.

It’s never advisable to pierce anything yourself. Get a professional to do it. So many things can go wrong including infection and migration/rejection

Answer #6

my mom was a dumbtarded 23 year old who pierced hers by herself….and it got ripped out by her 3 year old little girl (me) haha….

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