Piercing at 14 when my parents say no

Im 14 and I want some eybrow, nose, and maybe lip piercings but my parents say no. Where can I get them without consent? And can I get my 17 year old brother to sign for me?

Answer #1

I woulden’t want to welcome the idea but if none of your plans work then it is not so bad to do it yourself. I did my lip 4 times and im still hiding it from my dad. and if your brother has a credit card you can go to amazon.com and buy a lip piercing, eyebrow or whatever they have a set which includes the right kind of needle and the ring so it makes it really easy to do it yourself. but if that dosent work you will just have to settle with a sewing needle but its a little more harder. Anyway I hope it works out for you

Answer #2

no, you cant get those done without parental consent and your brother cant sign for you, hes not over 18 and hes not a legal guardian either. so if you try that youll be denied

NEVER do anything yourself either as queengreen suggested thats a stupid idea and would just be asking for a damaged nerve and/or infection also if you cant be bothered to get a hole in your flesh professionally pierced you shouldn’t be getting one AT ALL a piercing is a wound and there’s a lot more to piercing than just stabbing yourself with a needle

its also good that your parents said no, at your age you dont understand the consequences of those things a school with a dress code wont allow them and most jobs consider them unattractive and unprofeional youll also be left with permament scars that only fade with time

and an eyebrow ring is a surface piercing which means its NOT permanent and it WILL grow out the amount of time it takes to grow out depends on your body and how you take care of it it could last a week-a few months or it could last a few years but its NOT going to last forever and when it eventually grows out it will leave a very permanent and noticeable scar as well as either a raised bump of skin or an indent, or both so have a good think about it before you get it done

Answer #3

Do You Want Your Lip,Nose And Eyebrow Pierced All Of Them Or Just One Of Them? I Think It might be a bit to much to get them all pierced but I would say one might be all right.And If your parents say no that your not allowed to get one done then that is mean…mean bean green eating machine.I got the top of my ear pierced today..I was allowed and I have the bottem of my ears done too…

Answer #4

When I’m a bit older like 18 or somthin like that I might get my eyebrow pierced..but I think I might be a bit scared…it’s gotta hurt..

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