pierce it!

I want to pierce my (v) but I was wondering if it hurts and whats better horizontal or vertical? is there a such thing about your hood being small for vertical?

Answer #1
  1. do NOT do it yourself if you do you risk loosing all feeling in your clit a genitle piercings it NEVER a diy job get it profesionally pierced or dont get it at all

  2. yes obviously it will hurt getting anything pierced through your flesh will hurt to some degree and your gentiles will hurt a lot more then something like your ears

  3. either one, whichever you prefere will do

  4. yes, some womens clitoral hoods are far too small to be able to pierce, so a profesional piercer can not and will not pierce it

Answer #2

why would you wanna pierce it., but idont know what type of person you are.all I know thats not what normal girls do..

Answer #3

0_0 …

Answer #4

I personally wouldnt do it but…

Answer #5

I think a vertical would be better,, and of course its gonna hurt but if you really want it, its worth it

Answer #6

We’ll I got mine done last night and my hood was smaller but he did it anyway because it wasn’t TOO small. Hurt really bad though because of it being small becsuse he had to shove the clamp in there.

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