Do I have to have the doctor look at me down there?

if I’m younger than 18, do I have to take the oral exam, like the doctor looks down there, can I just say im uncomfortalbe w/ it, and they wont do it?? I have to go get a phyical in a couple months… thanks for your help

Answer #1

The test is really more scary to think about than to have. Most of the doctors I’ve seen have been very gentle and careful. They explain where there hands are at all times so you won’t feel violated.

First, they insert a plastic device. It doesn’t hurt - just can be a bit uncomfortable at first when it’s widened. This opens you up so they can reach your cervix. Then they take a small plastic instrument and gently scrape a few cells off your cervix. Most people don’t feel a whole lot but I find that it tickles and makes my toes curl.

You may have some spotting after this is done because some women have a sensitive cervix. That’s ok.

After this is done and everything is removed, my doctor inserts a few fingers and then pushes on my abdomen to make sure I don’t have any lumps or pains. This is also uncomfortable but not painful. It makes me want to pee.

If you are already sexually active, I really encourage you to go ahead and have this done. It can save your life and it’s really not that bad. A female nurse is usually with you all the time so you can hold her hand or have her talk you through if you need that kind of support too.

Good luck!

Answer #2

Typically when you go for a physical they do not checkdown there but if you go to a gynocologists that’s what they do. I doubt you are going to the gyno because you are not 18

Answer #3

what’s an oral exam?

Answer #4

Maybe you have the word wrong? an oral exam is an exam you speak in (like a french oral in which you have to speak in french)

You’re talking about the pelvic /genital exam?

They usually do this when you become sexually active, if there’s anything abnormal (bumps, discharge etc…), or if you’re 18.

They wont do the exam without your permission… All you have to do is say no and they cant do it…

‘ll leave it to people who’ve had them done to tell you how its over in 5 mins and it’s not the end of the world…

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