
Okay, my best friend has a Verizon EnV2, and it freezes when he spaces, or presses the down arrow. Is there anyway he can fix it? He did not get it at a verizon store. He got it a Best Buy. But can he fix it? How?

Answer #1

Did he get a warranty on it? There probably isn’t a way to fix that. He might have to take it back.

Answer #2

Yeah, the phone is probably messed up. He’s going to have to take it back or call them..

Answer #3

maybe. its funny kuz when he texts people, he has to use a period for a space. I keep telling him to get a new phone, but he won’t listen.

Answer #4

I suggest he takes it back but its just funny that he uses space LOL

I would leave him like that and that wil sure put a smile in my face everytime I saw him text

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