Personal Hygeine

Is something I really lack in, I simply cant be bothered. I have better things to do and I need to be more motivated. But I just cba and I want to be bothered. I want to get a better complexion and stuff. So what can I do?

Answer #1

oh sweetie, I know how you feel sometimes.

I am always so rushed every morning its tempting sometimes to just say “Forget it! I’m too damn busy!”

Try this…get a bottle of body wash that you like the smell of…and a two in one shampoo and conditioner set…head&Shoulders has a lot of really good ones! As for your face…I find that a moister intense scrub is the best thing for anyone on the run. There’s a ton of brand names out there with great products…

but remember sweetheart, keeping yourself clean is very important. it helps to keep you from getting sick and believe it or not…you’ll just feel better. something about how you feel after a shower…I dunno…just can’t describe it…I always feel so much…happier when I’m clean.

so enjoy. the important thing is you find a body wash smell you like…and you find a shampoo you’re comfortable with…enjoy sweetie.

Answer #2

This was when I was younger love. Im just helping the funadvuce community by bringin in some real life questions teens go through. Ill show you myself on a pic if you want, then we’ll see if youd date me. Just no pic on here lol. x

Answer #3

19… Wait, are you a girl? If yes, well, I’d never date you… you’re gross. If you’re a guy, well, you’re also gross…

But yeah, I use to be like that when I was a kid, my mom had to push me into the shower… I grew out of it, just like the dude said.

Answer #4

19 & thanks x

Answer #5

how old are u? if your just a teenager I had the same prob and I just grew out of it

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