Is something wrong with my Persion kitten?


I am a proud owner/mom of a 5 months old, weet as butter, Lilac Persian (male) kitten. I got him from a reputable breeder approx. 1 1/2 months ago after loosing my other male Persian to cancer when he was 11. I think by now I know quite a bit about Persian, their beahviour and habits. I am, however, stumped by how different this new kitten is from the other one.

  1. He poos and eats voraciously ONLY when I am around. (He sometimes pees a little and picks on his dry food when I am not, but not enough).

  2. His squats in the litter box ‘like a girl’ when doing his business and does not stick his tail out the way my other cat did, therefore ending-up with frequent toilet misshaps around that area… Not a good thing when I come home, smelling him from far.

  3. His poop is way softer and smellier than what I remember from the other cat. I feed him Premium high proten dry food (like Evo by Innov, Orijen, and Eage Pack Holistic Select). I stopped giving him a treat of wet food at night (only 1 tbsp) or so, because I figured it would help. It did not.

Anyone can help me figure it out, please? ! THanks.

Answer #1

have the vet check him for crystals in the urine, take him for a vet check. Take a fuzzy cat nip ball tie a string around it to secure the bal to the string and throw it in front of the cat to get him to play. It sounds like he is not used to you yet. You have only had him a 1 1/2 months and it make take time for him to get used to you and your smells. It seems like he is stressed that is why I said to play with him to get him to be his playful self. Get a blood test done.

Answer #2

Cats can’t get too much protein - cats cannot metabolize anything other than protein but it’s got to be the right kind. Selective breeding has meant that some cats cannot handle certain types of protein and commercial cat food is so low in actual meat content that the cats cannot handle all the extra rubbish that companies put into it to bulk it out. Sugar is added to a lot of foods and cats have no use for it in their diet . Some cats cannot handle dry food at all because they cannot produce enough salive to break it down. Persians have very flat faces and the jaw is not long enough to masticate the dry food properly.

I suggest that you try feeding you cat on fresh chicken (mine like it roasted best) with a little bit of cooked rice. Fresh fish is good as an occasional treat but avoid fatty meats like lamb as this will cause scouring. Persian cats are notorious for having toiletting probelms as well as developing polycystic kidney disease (PKD) which occurs when the cat does not drink enought and careful management of toiletting is important. Keeping the bottom clean is important as bott flys can lay eggs in the thick coats of persians and cause terrible distress . This is called “fly strike”. The tail lifting has nothing to do with what age the cat was taken away from it’s mother .

Leukemia can be vaccinated against and your cat, if it came from a reputable breeder ,should have had all it’s shots . Many cats carry it and transmit it between each other sometimes in-utero . Whilst smoking cannot cause it, smoking doesn’t help anyone and is not a good idea for cats or people .

Finally, cats like company and having just one kitten on it’s own isn’t the best idea . The kitten is becoming emotionally dependent upon you which is why it doesn’t seem to eat except when you are around . Domestic cats are not solitary creatures , despite what people think . Have you contacted any Persian breeder for advice ? Have you gone back to your breeder for advice ?

Answer #3

I agrre. You should take him to a vet just in case something might be up. But I would just for the commfort of knowing he’s okay and you won’t have to deal with all of these problems. Hope I helped! Good Luck!

Answer #4

All cat’s squat that’s normal. . You may try changing his diet try feeling him Kitten chow. . . all cat food is high in protein he maybe getting to muchprotein. And about the Tail part it sounds like he was taken from his mother to young. . . . . Also if you smoke stop. . . Smoke can actually cause a cat to develope leukimia. . . I know I lost a cat that way.

Answer #5

Your cat needs to be wormed. That is what makes the poo stinkier then other cats. It may be wise to visit your Vet and have them run a test for worms and find out which ones your cat has (there are so many) This will make a big difference.

Answer #6

Hmm,Im stumped. Try consulting a Vetinerian, They may know the problem. He May have a Comfort area which is why he only eats near you.

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