Period and Mood

How can you be in a better and happier mood during your period and what can you do to feel less pain when your on it besides taking aspirins.

Answer #1

Excercise…it’ll improve your mood and the pain you are feeling.

And taking aspirin for period pains IS NOT good, especially if you are under 20. Rather take some ibuprofen…it’s a lot more effective.

Also a hot water bottle on your stomach or lower back will relieve the pain.

Answer #2

There are several over-the-counter things you can buy that are really good for the many symptons you get from having your period. Miadol is good. Getting more rest, propping up your feet higher than the rest of your body, and also using a heating pad or hot-water bottle on your stomach helps the cramps. As far as feeling bad, you will. Some people, more so than others. But being aware of why you’re feeling bad goes a long way in helping you feel better. Make sense?

Answer #3

moltrin is really good … humm try avoiding people lol, I usually am not the happiest person when im on them

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