PERICINGS AT Barcelona school

okay I was the first girl at Barcelona to have any type of pericing (besides ears) and now 17 girls have there lips and noses done and now when I said I was gonna go and get snakebites and now everyone is saying they are going to get themdone now tonight im pericing them so I can say that they need to find something else done.But do you think im over reactting to the subject???

Answer #1

Oh god, get over it. One person starts a fad, everyone else jumps on the bandwagon. Fact of life. Be proud that you’re a trend setter.

Answer #2

Id just be happy to be a trend setter. Yes it is the bangwagon thing. Next time you decide to get something done, dont tell anyone.

Answer #3

first off dont be an idiot and peirce them yourself and dont be an idiot and peirce them when your sschool wont allow them there on your face, you cant hide your face, and they will find out when they do theyll make you take them out, which will leave you with noticable holes, that will probably get infected and no, your not a trend setter, someone else alreday set that trend now kids get hols in there face just to be cool all your doing is starting an alreday started trend, that the dumb sheep in your school want to follow I would advise you to not stab holes in your face

Answer #4

ya…grow up! Sounds like a bunch of highschool DRAMA :( Bummer

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