What's the perfect human age?

When you’re not too young, not old, when you’re finally formed?

Answer #1

for women about 25 and for men about 30

Answer #2

I think no matter what age you are, you still think another age is old. When I was 5, I thought 10 was old. When I was 10, I though 15 was old. Now I think 20 is old. But roughly I think 25 is perfect. Halfway from 50 and 5 years younger than 30, 5 years older than 20. Seems just right to me.

Answer #3

I agree, 25 is also when most people’s careers are taking off, they are at an age where life is still a party, but they are old enough to be mature about it… I think 25 is a perfect age.

Answer #4

Based on the part that you said, “when you’re finally formed” I would say 21 because that’s when your brain stops growing, which is why the legal drinking age is 21 in America.

Answer #5

Between 35 and 40. You’re done growing, you’ve basically figured out exactly who you are, so you’re less likely to have doubts about your decisions, you have enough wisdom and knowledge to be able to manage life on your own, but you’re still young enough to enjoy activities that may be physically demanding.

Answer #6

100 years old, as one receives a birthday card from the Queen and you end up being on television and newspaper. Cannot wait til I’m 100, my 15 minutes of fame is my motivation to reach 100, happy, happy, joy, joy.

Answer #7

@cookielove & @Renee - I agree with you both. Great assessments of the realities of being 25.

Answer #8

xD me too) wanna be 100 too) But not for 15min of fame, no. My plan is to… show off. Hell yes! I’ll go to every cool night club in the nearby, hang out with all the pretty chicks, tell them stories, dance. All other guys will have no chances. I’ll wear a t-shirt with “ha, 100, you loosers!” printed I guess. All grannies will talk about me, dogs in the street will neal when seeing me, girls will give me flowers, kids will want my company, they’ll share chewing gums with me, add me to friends in facebook etc. I’ll be like a film star. I’ll feel very special. That will be life, being 100 rules for sure! 2091 please come! P.s. We could meet up and have all this fun together, why celebrate such stuff alone? Call me up when you’re 100, ok?

Answer #9

Ohhhh, let’s organise our 100 party together, though I would turn 101 before you hit the big 100. Oh the sight of wrinkles, sagging boobs, white hair and dentures makes me oh so excited. 79 more candles to blow out, yeahhhhh.

Answer #10

We can organize 2 parties. Visit both. Yours in warm Australia, mine in coldy Russia. Contrast. Different cultures and stuff. Worth going. Besides we’ll have teleport by then leaving no need to fly over the ocean.

Oh come on… That’s a stereotype! The climate, sport and healthy food will keep us young. You’ll be slim and smiley. 32 own teeth. Smooth velvety skin. That’s easy.. I know a dozen of pretty grannies. My neighbours. We skype and stuff. Go skating. They seem 30.

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