Perfect Hair Poof?

Hey, I’m sure you’ve seen this all the time. Girls that take the front section of hair, make a poof out of it and pin it down in place. My question is, how do you “pin” it down? Whenever I use bobby pins, my hair just comes out of the open end of the bobby. Plus I don’t like the look of the pin. I want it to be invisible. Maybe I’m doing it wrong. Anybody who wears this hair do- Please help! Step by step instructions would be great :)

Answer #1

take your peice of hair back comb it at the back. pull it back and it should stay up if its bin back combed it gives it height as well. clip it up and put two bobby pins in crossing over. you can get them to match your hair colour. if you do it high enough you shouldnt see the pins.

Answer #2

if you use 2 bobby pins it doesnt come out the opening and if you make the poof big enough then it hids the bobby pin but if you dont like it big then I dont think there is any way to hid the pin

Answer #3

Lol, its called a quif not a “poof” :P

Answer #4

part your hair at the spot that you want your poof to go. grab a piece of hair and a comb and snaggle it from the back procede until it is to the height you want. nex ttake the top thin layer and lay it gently over the snaggled part and spray with hairspray then go to the mall and work it.

Answer #5

What I personally do for my “hair poof” is I grab my bangs and I hold them straight up. I usually use 3 or 4 bobby pins and I pull my bangs back onto my head then gently push forward, then when I’ve got it at large as I want it to be I pinch my hair in place where I want the pin to go then quickly slide the pin in and then I usually use two pins going to the left, and one going to the right. I put one pin to the right to make sure that my hair dosn’t fall out the opposite side of the direction the two pins are facing.

Another way I do it is pretty much the same way as I explained before but what I learned is that if when you are taking you hair and pulling it back you can twist it just a little bit at the end, then push it forward. It helps it get a little bit for umph.

I know it’s kind of confusing but if you read it three or four times and gradually take the steps then it will be pretty easy. I’ve been doing my hair like that for like ever.

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