People who did lip piercing themselves

Ok evey one my friend wants her lip pierced and she doesnt have the money to get it done pro. So she wants to know if anyone has done it themselves how did you do it what did you need and how bad did it hurt? Thanks

Answer #1

They are STUPID!!! odds of infection are so great that its not worth the risk! Then youll have to save up and pay for plastic sugery! Hmm I wonder which cost more??? Good LUCK!

Answer #2

Well, Your friend, should probably wait until she does have money, and get it done professionally, seeing as how that’s the best bet to have a good piercing.

Answer #3

My niece did. Just make sure if you do it, the needle is sterile and make sure to take care of it. Keep it clean. Don’t mess around with it after it’s done. Leave it alone for awhile.

Answer #4

well you get a baby pin or just a regular needle (make sure you clean it with alchol.) and you put it where ever you want it and you push with a lot of force and yeah it will hurt a lot for just a little bit until you get it conpletly in your lip. then you get the stud or ring and put it threw the whole. make sure you put rubing achol. on you lip for a while so it doesnt get infeced trust me that would suck. and walaaa it done

Answer #5

yeah I would get it professionally done truly my lip has been infected before and it SUCKS. if you end up doing it yourself or if she does go to a spencers or something and buy a piercing needle if you just use a saftey pin it makes the healing process longer and makes you more opt for infection. and clean the area with rubbing alcohol then push it through. like I said though I would not recomend doing it yourself. at all

Answer #6

yea, what she said!

Answer #7

wtf i did it myself and i anit stupit alright and i have no infection!!

Answer #8

well i did it with a normal earring but clean it with alchol first and clean your hands too.. and then just put it in where ever you want it u could put it in frast or slow however… the outside lip will enter easily but the one inside will not u will have a little trouble with the one inside once u’v put it in wait a little like 5 minutes or less and then change it with a real lip ring(:

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