Why do people think it is weird that I listen to Adele and Duffy?

Answer #1

Without elaborating more, how are we to know? Adele and Duffy are both very talented women and I see no reason as to why a person would be “weird” for appreciating good music and beautiful voices.

Answer #2

If these people don’t like Adele and Duffy, maybe they just have a hard time seeing how anyone else could like them? Or, maybe they think that you don’t seem like the kind of person who would listen to either artists, which surprises them? I don’t know, ask them next time they say something about it.

Answer #3

Everyone has a different taste in music.

Answer #4

Most idiots just think they’re too soulful, or they sound like they’re sick when they sing (raspy voice). In Adele’s case, it’s because she’s way overplayed on the radio and she sings depressing songs

Answer #5

maybe it shocks them because you seem like you would like a type of music such as metal or country etc. I can really say though without knowing you

Answer #6

Everyone has different music tastes so don’t worry about it! (But good choice haha, I personally agree that they both have great voices)

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