How can i be okay when one of the people I love most has a week to live?

My grandma was diagnosed with canser just over a year ago, but she has it in every organ in her body. And to make it worse, she has a tumer that contnues to grow in her tummy, there isn’t anything any one can do because hs eis too sick for the surgery she needs. she has been living at the hospital for abuot 2-3 weeks now, and she doesn’t have long. They have her in a room for those who have a week or maybe less to live. It has been hard knoing that she is dieing and there is nothing at all that i can do about it, and as it gets close, i am even more upset and scared. I love her so much and i really don’t want to let her go, even though her passing away would be best, so that way she isn’t in pain any more.

Answer #1

Do you mean will you every be ok? Things like this take time and it is going to be your choice when you are ready to move and it shouldn’t be rushed. Take the last week to talk to the person and tell them how much they mean to you and that you love them.

Answer #2

Make a scrap book together of that person and you with all the fun times you’ve had, make video’s with them and just have fun. Don’t let the fact that they’re dying ruin your way you see that person and to make sure that you don’t forget about those times with them.

Answer #3

Keep her company.

Talk to her about your favorite times with her , take pictures , ask her about some of her memories , just spend as much time with her as you can.

When she passes on , remember all the good times you had with her

Answer #4

Honestly? Right now, you don’t have to be ‘okay’. It’s perfectly okay and understandable for you to be upset. Losing someone you love, or watching them slip away, is an extremely painful thing to have to go through. I don’t think anyone is ever really okay in such a time. I know I wasn’t while I was losing my grandmother (I was really close to her, too).

Although it’s difficult, definitely spend as much time with her as you can. Let her know that you love her, and be sure to say what it is you want to say. Hug her. Make her feel like she’s not alone right now. Again, I know that this will all be painful, but hold every second you have with her close to your heart. Know that it’s okay to cry, if you need to, too.

If you ever want to talk, feel free to funmail me any time. I’m always here to listen.

Answer #5

u unfortunatly have to grin and bare it coz unfortunatly theres nothing u can do:(

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