Why do some people think Planned Parenthood is bad?

Don’t they help people?

Answer #1

Because people dont look at the greater picture, they only associate it with a8ortions. I think Planned Parenthood is an awesome orginization that helps out a lot of women with a lot of things, from annual Pap’s to STD testing and treatments, and many things in between. I think a large majority of the people against it are men and Pro-life people. Thats just an assumption not a fact though so dont hold me to that.

Answer #2

Somewhere in an ancient book, there is a God that tells people to “be fertile and proliferate” or sumthin. So god tells mankind to have MANY babies. Now those planned parenthood guys make people have LESS babies. Less than than they would have without a plan. So they are acting against the “be fertile” order of that God.

What some people seem to forget is this: According to legend, their god told mankind to be fertile at a point of time when there were - according to legend - quite exactly TWO humans on the world.

I think being against planned parenthood deserves a major facepalm.

Answer #3

Planned parenthood is funded by taxpayers. Why should part of my paycheck be used to test you for the clap? You were irresponsible and you should have to deal with the consequences. Oh ! But you dont want gonorrhea anymore? But you dont want to pay for treatment? What to do what to do. Make an appointment with an OBGYN like everyone else.

Answer #4

Most of your tax payer dollars go towards cancer screenings unrelated to STD’s. While they do treat them, the majority of their funding goes to family planning and the early spotting of cancer. Also, usually treatments for STD’s are paid for by insurance and the person going there. Most of the time.

Answer #5

Cervical cancer <—- Genital Warts <—– Careless unprotected sex

Answer #6

Not all cervical cancer is caused by genital warts my dear. And the cancer screenings include more than screenings for cervical cancer, like breast cancer for example.

Answer #7

Yea u can have cervical cancer without STD’s. People can get free birth control too. So no more babies. Free yearly exams to make sure ur healthy. No breast cancer or cervical. U can have to many white blood cells which could also be bad. Think thats linked to cancerous cells

Answer #8

because alot of people believe having sex before marrige and a8ortions are wrong, and thats the main place to get a8ortion, std tests, and condoms to anyone without name

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