Do you think people are destined for each other?

Answer #1

Yes, when I met the love of my life we both felt like we had known each other before. Not in a “ran into you at the grocery store” kind of thing but in a way where we felt like we found our other half. I don’t know if it is for everybody but for me I definitely believe there are some people out there who are destined for each other.

Answer #2

I do. My great-grand parents were married for sixty years, give or take…

Answer #3

I”m an existentialist so no, but I do think that people can create a destiny for themselves that ends up welcoming another person in by nature of their endeavors.

Answer #4

whats a existentialist?

Answer #5

your 20 the love of your life has had about a 6 year time span. get back to me in 30 years and tell me if your still with this love of your life.

Answer #6

maybe yes or maybe no

Answer #7

^^^ a.sshole… I know what you mean, Gaia. When I met Dustin, even for the year we were just friends before we started dating him and I had a connection. We would finish each other’s sentences and were inseparable. Now we’ve been together for 2 years and every day is still like that first day that we got together.

Answer #8

John, I am sorry you got dumped.

Answer #9

Not really. Loves come and go, and you’ll know when the right one comes along :D

Answer #10

NO, nope, it does not happen, (shakes head in a no like manner.) I don’t think so - doesn’t work that way. Some people have seen too many movies. . . Let me be the first to say this: Relationships these days, are poorly built. Statistics are at a all time high for failed relationships based on destiny. . . . All you ever hear is; “I thought she/he was the one.”

Need I say more. .

Answer #11

Yes and No…… Coming from Christian beliefs I have to believe God intervenes. However, I believe in free will. So No in the sense that there is just one person out there with our name on them. I think it’s more of compatibility for that time (whether 2 years, 50 years etc.)…. cause love can be lost then found again. So that means not destined to one person. Although I do believe, that God has a plan for our lives so in that aspect he put people in our lives for certain reasons…. whether to be that person we spend the rest of our lives with or part of our lives.

Answer #12

and you people are still young every person you are going to be with will be the love of your life. you can call me names but the truth is the truth.

Answer #13

I have been with people in the past, and no they were not the love of my life. I knew it then and I knew it now. Age doesn’t always equal maturity in matters of the heart as is apparent by your posts in the past. You may have me on years, but you have posted some things that are clearly to get people angry and roused. So you are right, chronologically, I am younger than you. But I think I have you on maturity.

Answer #14

but you can’t say this person is the love of your life until you die. and have loved no other and if you dated people who you didn’t love or want to love forever then what was the point of that relationship

Answer #15

John, I think you are play too much into the words love of your life. They are the love of their lives up til that point. Our lives are only evaluated up til the moments we are in. And at that moment whomever they are with is their love of their life…. at the current time. It could change or it could remain the same.

Answer #16

John, I think you are play too much into the words love of your life. They are the love of their lives up til that point. Our lives are only evaluated up til the moments we are in. And at that moment whomever they are with is their love of their life…. at the current time. It could change or it could remain the same.

Answer #17

yes because i believe everything happens for a reason and right order will be put in eventually–thats just me though

Answer #18

My brother really got to know his future wife while attending Huricane relief efforts with the chapel where he went to college. They were already in the same social circle, but this activity solidified his feelings for her I think.

Answer #19

Most of the time, people can be destined for each other.

Answer #20

I don’t know if people are destined, or if they ever meet the one, but I kinda think their Is the right person out their for you. In my religion, when your about to get married, theres this special prayer. We pray and we say this certain thing, and god gives you a sign. I think that’s kindaa like being destined for someone.

Answer #21

Yes, in a way every person has a soul mate… or a Pheromone mate to be exact, seeing as humans like all animals use smell to find a mate our bodies inadvertedly have their own characterestic smells which excite the opposite sex IF his receptors were designed to like said pheromones

curious tidbit, Women on the Pill are more likely to choose the wrong man for a relationship, and notice a difference in attraction while off the pill, apparently the women’s receptors are going haywire thanks to the change of hormone levels in the body…. aliens.jpg

Answer #22

yes. just like i beleive that all the people who come and go in your lives are ment to teach us some life lesson. there is someone for everyone

Answer #23

i THink theres someone out there that everyone is supposed to be with. You just have to find that person first. If thats called destiny then i believe i do.

Answer #24

john?? who’s John???

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