Answer #1

alot of people bully to feel powerful and sometimes their friends do it so they do it to and they dont like that someone is different and that they like different things then they do and there is alot of other reasons but those are the main ones at my school

Answer #2

it’s just soo annoying. im so done with people getting bullied

Answer #3

Many think thata fun… Truly its not… They ll do it until they realise it and becum matured…

Answer #4

My personal opinion on this is that people bully because they have issues on the inside too. Maybe they lack confidence, so they pick on others to make themselves feel like they’re better. Maybe their living situation at home is awful. Some children who are bullies go through a range of abuse at home. I’ve even seen some cases where parents egg their kids on to be a bully, trying to make them ‘tough’.

It’s hard to pinpoint why they’re doing it. It’s definitely wrong for them to do, though, no matter what their reason is. If someone’s bullying you, reach out to someone and let them know what’s happening. If no one listens, keep reaching out. Someone will listen. If you see someone else is getting bullied, encourage them to do the same.

Answer #5

Bullies bully because sometimes if your ahead of the bully he/ her gets jealous and the only way for them to get over it is by beating you up that’s how it goes at my school.

Answer #6

because there a…holes

Answer #7

People bully because majority of them have insecurities, so they lash out on ayone who they feel is “weaker” then them. Its a common practice the every hurt perosn does. Always remeber this “hurt people hurt people”. Do you get? once you realize that, then you’ll know that that person is trying to translate that hurt place to another place. Hope i helped :p

Answer #8

There are many reasons.

They might have trouble at home or within themselves and take their anger out on people. They could be psychologically deranged. They could find joy in what their doing They have nothing better to do. Jealousy of others. to get the feeling of being more supreme. Don’t know how to make friends the correct way.

Could be a combination of things….

Answer #9

probably a hobby

Answer #10

jelous of the person they bully,easy targets, many reasons

Answer #11

Hi Morganne

I think it’s because they’ve either been bullied themselves and want (or feel a need) to take it out on other people, or, they’re are so miserable on the inside that they want to bring others down, so to speak - to make them them feel as bad as they already are. Although I’m not a doctor, I think bulling is a sickness, and needs to be dealt with by a licensed professional.

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