peirod problems

well I first started my peirod on dec 17 and I haven’t gotin one since please help

Answer #1

jackiedance is right then if you are in p.e. or watever and yall run a lot or exrcise a lot then thats why my doctor told me

Answer #2

its probably just delayed.

I know this because it happened to my girlfriend

Answer #3

its normal dont worry same thing happend to me

Answer #4

this is not unusual. it will come back in time. for the mean time just enjoy NOT having to deal with it. :)

Answer #5

When you first start getting your period, I guess it could start out irregularly. If you’re not having sex and there’s no way you could be pregnant then I don’t think that there is anything to worry about. But if you really are very nervous that something is wrong, go to the doctor and talk to them about it. Oh and if you stress about it, it will delay. It’s happened to me so many times. It probably skipped a month and then that freaked you out so now you’re probably stressing about it and it’s not coming. Just relax. Don’t think that anything is wrong for awhile and see if it comes. Keep your mind busy. In time it will come.

Answer #6

I have the same problem so don’t worry to much…but I heard that birth control pill can help irregular period im trying to get one…my family doctor is far from where I live so it’s hard to make time..

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