How to do peek-a-boo highlights at home?

Answer #1

Take a thin layer of hair that covers the top ofyour head, like a half pony tail but thinner. Pin that up. That second layer, thin as well, depending on how wide you want the chunks, seperate some chunks about an inch wide and 3 inches or so apart, depending again on what you are going for. Use alluminum foil and a clip board. Take the alluminum foil and tear off peices about 4 inches wide and 6-8 inches long, depending onthe lenght of your hair. Fold an inch of it over the edge of a clipboard, and rest it against your head with the selected area of hair to be highlighted on the alluminum. Use an application brush and apply the nessisary dye or bleach. Fold hair up in the aluminum and move on to the next area. Follow your dye instructions. If you are dark going blonde, you may need to do it multiple times, heed caution that bleaching is harmful and killsyour hair, so itis not reccomended that you bleach your hair twice within 24 hours.

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