Pee in my pants

I always seem to have urine or some sort of substance in my pants it started a few years ago, I dont know what its from or how to get rid of it and its really annoying and embarrassing but it seems to be getting worst, I hate wearing skirts now because of it. I dont even realise its happening. I have got my period but I hardly ever get it what do I do please help!

Answer #1

Not being funny mate but that sounds like chlamydia to me. My mate has it and he gets a discharge randomly, Id go to the health clinic and get checked…

Answer #2

its sounds like discharge which is prefectly normal every girl in the world gets discharge your vagina is a self cleaning organ and discharge is just what it cleans out discharge can be clear, milky white or light yellow and its liquidy goo that comes out of your vagina every day, often, or every now and then that’s why there’s an extra piece of material in girls underpants because of discharge if its bothering you wear a pantyliner so it doesnt end up on your knickers

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