PC Freezes when starting up Limewire

why does my pc freeze up when starting limewire?

Answer #1

Ok what you do is uninstall lime wire Asap! cause it’s the worst program you can get!

then go on google and search up Ares it’s the best program you can use to download music and other’s ect

Answer #2

No..the freezing started up within the last 2 weeks..then I recovered the hard drive last weekend…still does it..and not only with limewire either..I installed winmx..did the same thing..installed ares galaxy..that got the windows error in it..not sure what to try anymore to get music.

Answer #3

Limewire is full of viruses

Which means it could have someone wanting to get all your information from your computer / laptop

And trying to basically kill it so you wont be able to use your computer / laptop ever again

Which means a lot of money to buy a new one

Mine used to do the same

If you uninstall it before it’s to late

Then everything will be fine

BUT if you don’t then say goodbye to your computer/laptop


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