Would you pay $88 million for a penthouse apartment?

Apparently someone would … and did. I understand that’s it’s a penthouse, but … $88 million? I just can’t justify it.

Watch the video: http://funadvice.com/r/15pfe3n1khr

Answer #1

Good god no. There’s so many better things you can do with $88 million rather than buy a penthouse.

Answer #2

Meanwhile in Africa..

Answer #3

As F. Scott Fitzgerald observed, the rich really are different. When Alfred Hitchcock was filming a movie in the US he had Dover sole flown in fresh to his set every day. The rich buy private jets so they do not have fly on anyone else’s schedule or associate with the riff raff in 1st class. Men have hand tailored suits and women have haute couture gowns costing more than most people’s house made to wear once at an event. After a certain point the super wealthy no longer have to consider the value or practicality of their purchases; if they want it there is little reason not to buy it.

Answer #4

so true.

Answer #5

Probably why i am not rich is becuase i would spend only on my needs. a nice house in the country. A boat of course. things i like. spoil myself a little. put some money up and away for my kids and retirement. but geez thats over doing it. If i had all that left over money i would donate it to charities. Give it away to people who struggle. but thats not the world we live in is it?

Answer #6

Only if I could turn around and sell it for $188 Million.

Answer #7

they live in the desert quit feeling sorry for them

Answer #8

I have the exact same feelings - if I had 88 mill dollars I would donate 87 mill to charity, or use them to help any of my friends who might be in need of money for things like college or house loans.

Answer #9

They live in the desert /facepalm

Answer #10

Some of them do of course, but the poorest African nations are all located in equatorial regions, where tropical jungle and savannah are the predominant terrain types. Desert peoples are rare.

Answer #11

:) thats how it should be

Answer #12

If i feel sorry for you John then i would definatly feel sorry for them. I wish you could live in their shoes for one day. no water, food, no nothing. then maybe you would stop being such a jerk

Answer #13


Answer #14

I will cross that bridge when I come to it….And get back to you…LOL

Answer #15

If I had $88 million, I would give most of it away. I could live more than comfortably for far less than that.

Answer #16

have you ever seen any one doing this?

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