Pass piss test

I smoke weed and I need to know to pass a piss test. Dose vinegar help

Answer #1

I’m so tired of hearing, “perhaps you shouldn’t smoke if your worried about passing a drug test”. Anyways, no vinigar will not help. You could buy some detox, however it is pretty expensive, like 50 dollars a bottle. Drink plenty of water, go to wal-mart and buy a home drug test, take that first to see if you can pass it, if you can you will pass theirs.

Answer #2

I wish you luck, but really only time will get it out of your system. 3 days if light and occasional. 4-8 WEEKS if you are a heavy and habitual user. Sorry

Answer #3

Seriously…all those people that can only say “you shouldn’t smoke it hurr hurr”…it’s cause they don’t have anything smarter to say in the matter. But depending on how much time you have, there are detoxes at GNC that can clean your system in a matter of days, my friends have taken to a Niacin treatment-meaning they drink hefty water and 500mg of niacin a day, and within 5 days could pass a piss test. vinegar, green tea, those are tall tales that don’t work. And then, online sold drugs specifically made to pass a drug test can be found in urine samples so they’re bound to fail you if you have any of them. Buy a drug testing kit from Walgreens, CVS, or walmart, drink a lot of water and cranberry juice, and don’t let the piss test be on the first piss of the day because that’s the most concentrated urine you’re expelling. Also, B vitamins can make the urine look less dilated, so they won’t question whether you were drinking lots of water to quirk the results or not. Good luck, I know how it is.

P.S. if you have no faith in any of those ideas, there are clever ways to smuggle other cleaner urine samples into the places- just keep them warm and don’t let them sit for more than six hours. Maybe find a waterproof, small container and tape it to the inside of your leg; that keeps it to body temperature at least.

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