Parents (dad) ?

Years ago I was sexually assualted, I didn’t tell anyone for about 6 or 7 years because I was scared and ashamed… But recently I told, because I couldn’t hold the weight of it anymore, and the only person I told was my mom…but she secretly told my biological father without my consent and he came barging into my house today yelling at me im so disappointed in you! I’m so disappointed, you have no idea how disappointed I am in you, your so stupid.

This is the man who beat me frequently when I was a child.

Does he have the right to be disappointed in me?

Why is he being such an jerk?

Is it really all my fault?

Answer #1

what he did is fcked up in so many ways he has no right to do what he did to you nor for him to say what he said how could he sit there and say something like that to you he my firend is an a* hole and will get what he deserves you went thru somthing really traumatic and for him to make the sitution worse well I have no respect for him, hes lower then dirt to me right now and if I was there ide give him a peice of my mind and a knuckle sandwhich and your mom, had no right to go and blab her mouth like she did… im sorry you had to go thru that and carry that burden alone and your haveing to continue to carry that burdon alone im here if you ever need to talk I wasnt lieing when I said that dont ever blame yourself for other peoples actions…

Answer #2

He had absolutely no right in this world to say that to you…he is so unbelievably wrong.

What happened is NOT your fault. Do not let him make you think that.

Some men are jerks about this kind of thing because they don’t know how else to react. I’m glad that you finally told someone but I’m so sorry that this had to happen. Talking about it really does help so try to find someone that will be understanding and listen while still trying to help you.


Answer #3

no sweety its not your fault at all, it all his fault. its good that you told, dont feel bad its ok

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