
My dad is always judging me and telling me things about like my boyfriend,my hiar,the way I dress you get the picture.and my mom doesnt do anything about sick of it and hes always yelling and getting mad at me for noo goddam reason. What should I do?

Answer #1

I say you tell him and your mom how you feel. your mom should back you up and tell him not to do that anymore. and dont pay attention to what he says. just ignore him. tell him that its your life and you can dress how you want and do your hair how you like. tell him that you like it and you don’t care if others dont. just tell him how you feel and if he doesnt listen…just ignore him the next time he says something negative.

Answer #2

I’m sorry!!! Dad’s can be harsh sometimes. It might seem hard to imagine but that’s his way of telling you he loves you. Just tell him that it really hurts your feelings and he will probably stop. I hope this helps. :)

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