
My parents think I am on drugs and im not, and im pretty sure there is a drug test coming my way pretty soon but I told them im not on drugs, why dont they believe me?

Answer #1

parent are so over protected there willing to belive in th worst in the kids so the can try and prevent it from happenig try and talk to them and tell them your willing to take the drug test but in return of you drug test coming back clean that your ggoing to want an appolegy and some more trust!

Answer #2

well honestly if your not then go with the drug test maybe they think you are if youve been acting diffrently to them everything on tv and movies prompting them to think that you are or they might not like your friends if you have nothing to hide prove it to them with the drug test

Answer #3

yeah you might just be acting like your on drugs and if you’re not push the drug test and prove them wrong …then guilt them like crazy for speculating

Answer #4

If you truly dont do drugs then go with the test but ask them why they think your on drugs and tell them your not stupid enough to do stuff like that . tell them that they can go a head and give you the test but when it come out nagitve then they will feel bad consantly ask questions and then if they make you take it tell them that they are disrespectting you because they have been thinking your a drug addict

Answer #5

Take the drug test and prove them wrong it will feel so good when they find out that they are wrong and your right

Answer #6

u probably did sumthing stupid for them not ot trust u..

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