Opposites attract?

Ok so theres this girl that I’ve know for a wile and im thinking of asking her out cause I really like her but I am more preppy and she is like a rocker chick thats why my friends dont think it would work out and be better if we stay friends but I like her I like the fact that our differant views and opinions can keep us talking and talking and have fun. I feel comfortable around her and I think she feels the same way. Do you think anything will change if we do go out.will it work. I guess opposites do attract (sometimes)

Answer #1

Your one person, you partner is another, basically you could be two halves of a whole and when your different it does keep you talking, that’s all I can tell you, the rest is up to you.

Answer #2

Opposites attract but similarities stay together.

I’m not saying don’t go for it with her but relationships need some commonground in order to get started properly the fact you’s are already friends is a good sign that it could work. && yeah things will change if you’s got together. Be careful when entering relationships with friends it tends to make things messy. But if you really like her, flirt a little, test the waters and then go for it! :)

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