Opiouns on Marilyn Manson

What do you think about Marilyn Manson I have been a huge fan for 5 years :) I think he is very intelegent and has a good sence of humor.

Answer #1

That is not true. I read his Autobiography and someone made it up.

Answer #2

MM is a pretty cool guy…

he is very creative in his music though I dont generally listen to it… he is very intelligent and everything he does is very well thought… from his clothes to his songs, they are all done to shock those people who think everything is pink and fluffy…

he actually isnt scary at all… id be more afraid of those TV preachers than him…

I liked his last album a lot, pretty good ideas put into them…

Answer #3

I like him and he has several good songs. It’s pretty sad because a lot of people judge him by the way he looks. Seriously… don’t judge a book by it’s cover. Just because he looks “freaky” doesn’t mean he doesn’t make good music. Give his music a chance before you judge him just because he “scares you”. And in all honesty, he’s not scary at all and is far from a freak. He’s really intelligent and unique.

Answer #4

I don’t find his look freaky at all or scary. I don’t see how people can physically be scared by it. It is like defeating the impossable. Being scared by clothes and colours.

Answer #5

I agree, hes smart and funny, he just has a bad rap from concerned parents and people like that, if they new stuff about him they wouldnt judge him by his appearance

Answer #6

He actually is very intelligent.

Marilyn Manson is two different people - his stage persona and his real-life personality.

Everything he does for show is exactly that - a show…it’s not how he lives his life.

Answer #7

yea I really hate him im not sure if this is true someone sed it was, did he remove sum ribs so he cood suck his own dick?

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