Why cant I open my "alert" link?

Answer #1

Are you on a cell? It doesn’t work on some.

Answer #2

The “Alerts” is not a link. It’s a Java-script button, I guess. Usually when I click on it I get a drop-down menu with the last 5 Alerts.

The “see all your alerts” at the bottom of that menu doesn’t work for me either. It takes me to my profile page.

Answer #3

It’s supposed to take you to your profile page - that’s where the posts are, lol.

Answer #4

Yep. But If I don’t look into FA for a while, I miss the “XY is now following you” alerts. Because they aren’t listed there. I only get those in the drop down list.

Answer #5

im on my cell maybe thats why

Answer #6

i Can only do it on my cell if java script is enabled

Answer #7

You can’t open the alert link on a cell phone.

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