online boyy

So I have been talking to this boy online and we really hit it off. Ao we have been talking for about 6 months and we say I love you and stuff… Is this bad like should I stop talking to him because I never met him? what should I do???

Answer #1

Girlmaron - yea I have seen pics of him I have seen videos of him and we talk on the phone all the time But you are right you never know

Answer #2

^^ truee, he could have edited itt , or used someone elses.

Answer #3

I had same problem asur having. we wanted 2meet each other so he came to my town and ibrought my bro and his friend with me 2 meet the guy. The guy is now my boyfriend and we love each other a lot.but hecold of been some perv that was ganna kidnapp me, so you can’t trust everyone. has he “shown” you a pic of him? if he has then you could asume he looks like that but DON”T think its what he rrly lloks like

Answer #4

when we were 15 my best friend was “seeign” a guy online .. he lived on the other side of the country and at 15 decided to move here to be with her .. she was then 15 and preg with an abusive boyfriend.I still dont think it is smart to EVER meet some one off the internet… my bff then had an abortion against her will or he would of killed her .. it took her 3 years to get away from him …

Answer #5


Answer #6

you never know who you really could be talking to in cyber space…

Answer #7

true but its gonna be hard :/

Answer #8

stop talking to him, you never really know whos at the other end.

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