One more thing

Hey this may sound a little silly but I’m actually scared to get my period I dont know why but I just am. was anyone else scared?

Answer #1

I think most of us are nervous… scared… and anxious. It’s a natural happening… it means your body is growing!! And trust me… you eventually will hate ever being anxious. Lolz!!

Answer #2

The first day I got it I flipped out and cried too. But it is fine after you get use to it. Don’t worry about it. : ]

Answer #3

I got mine when I was 10!!! I was really scared but you will get over it soon enough, Just be happy to get it now, Mine had stopped and I almost thought I wasnt going to be able to have kids again! :(

Answer #4

actually I didnt get mine until I was fourteen so I was more anxious than anything. but dont be too scared. theres nothing to worry about sweety. hah.

Answer #5

I wasn’t. I was inpatient, actually, I wanted it to come already. I thought there was something wrong with me, my doctor made me take a blood test to make sure everything was normal! When it came I was like “oh, well it’s about time..” lol, your question isnt silly at all, good luck:)

Answer #6

I was I cry to my mom I was like im going to die theres somethink wrong with me!!! But you’ll get use to it Im sure every girl was scared to start :)

Good Luck ~Kitty

Answer #7

I was, I cried when I told my mom. but I didn’t have to go to school that day :) good luck!!!

Answer #8

I was scared…of telling my mom! lol.

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