Ex-boyfriend advice?

Ok me an ma boyyfriend broke up last week on thursday an I hate that it hppned…wel him an his sister went to iowa an hes comin bak 2mrw an hes comin over to bring me ma mp3 player…do you think I should talk to him an try to get bak together or should I jus leave it an move on???

Answer #1

The word “past” means that something is no more. It is no longer in existence. He broke up which means he doesnt want to be with you anymore. Accept it, heal from it, then move on, and open your heart to all the other guys that will come into your life.

Answer #2

Ok, well honestly.. it depends on what the breakup was over… if it was your fault, then try to reconcile with him, and ask for forgiveness, but if it was no one’s fault, then the relationship apparently ended from a mutual agreement, so therefore it is in the past.. anyways, funmail with any questions, good luck. :]

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