How to teach a dyslexic friend to read?

I have a friend thats dyslexic how can I teach him to read? I can’t believe the school systems in the US, doesn’t think education is a big deal, at least where I come from. I would sure love to teach him. Thanks.

Answer #1

IDA International Dyslexia Association has a number of resources for you to look over. There is no way for someone to give you the advice you are looking for. If your friend is truly dyslexic he/she needs a professional trained in a multisensory approach to reteach them the skills they need. Let them knwo that there is a way to do master the art of reading and spelling. They just need direct instruction of the rules of the English language. Good luck.

Answer #2

Hi and thanks for your question. Could you answer a few questions before I can give you a detailed reply?

Is your friend an adult, a teenager or a child? (The things you can do to help will vary, depending.)

How much can your friend read already? For example: not at all, or like a much younger person, or OK but not right for his age.

How does your friend react to being dyslexic - is he angry, ashamed of the problem, has he given up, or is he determined to improve?

Does he have any special talents e.g. music, art, sport, engineering, computers? (Some dyslexic people are particularly talented in other areas and this can give a clue about their best learning style).

Can your friend tell you about what goes wrong when he tries to read? What do the words or letters look like to him? (Maybe he won’t be able to explain it, which isn’t a problem).

Does your friend have problems with other things like writing, spelling, organisation etc?

I think that’s enough questions for now! If you could let me know at least a few answers, I can give you some specific advice.

For now, it might be helpful to look on the Learning Disabilities of America website - dyslexia is one of the top learning disabilitis they deal with.

Good luck and God bless you for wanting to help.

Answer #3

lol… I would say just write everything that the dislexic person reads it normal till he knows all the words and everything. Corse that probably won’t work lol but logically it kinda makes sense

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